The Vanuatu Made logo is a certification of origin trademark and is applied on qualifying Vanuatu Made products registered with the Department of Industry. It must not be redrawn or altered in any way under any circumstances.
About Vanuatu Made
Who we are
Why Vanuatu Made?
The Vanuatu Made Brand
What we are doing
Vanuatu Made Story
Here in our archipelago, skills and techniques are passed down through generations. Materials can travel long distances from Vanuatu’s many islands to make these special items. Delivering a product with the Vanuatu Made symbol, represents the culture, the traditional knowledge, the passion and most important of all the value is many folds. The products are authentically made locally with passion and generations of practice and from rich, nutritious recourses. Every product with the Vanuatu Made symbol supports our local people and their businesses – improving their lives and community.

Sandroings (Sand Drawings) are an ancient form of art proudly practiced by the people of Vanuatu. They represent much more than beautiful lines in a layer of sand. These drawings have a deep cultural meaning that goes beyond a rational description of the patterns they describe. It’s distinct, fluid style is the inspiration behind our brand.
Who we are
Why Vanuatu Made?
The Vanuatu Made Brand
What we are doing
Representing our local products, our official symbol is applied to select items to advise cconsumers when such products qualify as authentic Vanuatu Made products. Our heritage cannot be imitated and by using the brand together, we will make a better future for us all.
Why Vanuatu Made
Who we are
Why Vanuatu Made?
The Vanuatu Made Brand
What we are doing
Who we are
Why Vanuatu Made?
The Vanuatu Made Brand
What we are doing

Oils / Chocolate / Perfumes and
other products
Origin of complete product is
Vanuatu or good substantially
transformed in Vanuatu

Vanuatu Made includes four official logos that can be individually applied to various products. To know which logo is right for your product depends on what category it qualifies for.

Local Agriculture / Farming
Fishing / Hunting

Goods assembled in Vanuatu
locally designed / locally
enhanced items

Locally made handicrafts
Weaving / Painting / Sewing
Carving / Jewellery / Pottery
Print Making